
Katsugen Undo

 I remember a conversation with Jack Hasegawa who was the director of the East Asia Center of Friends World College in Kyoto in mid-70's. I was telling him about Katsugen Undo which I started to learn. And he responded with a laughter and said "As a Quaker college graduate, you found the right place." Until he pointed out I was not aware of such similarity between them. I always liked the way he laughed.

The Idea of the Body in Japanese Culture and its Dismantlement

 Before proceeding to Keiko(稽古)- practice, I would like to introduce the paper titled "The Idea of the Body in Japanese Culture and its Dismantlement" written by Hioryuki Noguchi, the director of the Shintai Kyoiku Kenkyusho. This paper was prepared for International Journal of Sport and Health Science in 2003.