
Lecture that has vanished

original text is read in Japanse here  https://dohokids.blogspot.com/2021/04/blog-post_13.html

In March, I had an opportunity to give a 90 minutes lecture online to a group of Alexander technique teachers. It became a very satisfactory one at least for me and I asked the organizer if I could have a recorded audio file. But she said, "Oh sorry, I forgot to record." So it has become a vanished lecture. 

I wanted talk about the theory of growth in Seitai, so I focused on childcare in Seitai, But I started talking about how I had become a Seitai student at the first placeI have prepared a list of topics as a memorandum. Some of the things I was trying to talk about, but I didn't actually talk about, were added afterward. I wonder if the title will be " Seitai  as a prototype of learning.”

Jump into Quaker University 1973
A method of experiential learning in an experimental college
Putting yourself in a different cultures
Confusion and conflict and assimilation
Free school
what is experience?
How do we absorb experience?

Seitai as a prototype of learning
Introducing books by Haruchika Noguchi, the founder of Seitai
From the lecture memo of childcare course by Hiroyuki Noguchi
13 months after birth
When the belly grows
Belly as a digestive system
Hara as an assimilation of experience
1 to 3 years to 5 to 8 years to puberty
what we call Growth Disease
Grow what is growing now

How to think of "going through"
High temperature (fever) → low temperature (rest) → normal temperature
Things that hinder the progress
"The benefits of colds" as a book of education
What is physical fitness?
Unfounded self-confidence

I didn't have time to go to the training at the ongoing at Shintai Kyoiku Kenkyusho, but it was a fulfilling 120 minutes including a question and answer session. It was the harvest that made me feel "heard" more than I expected. It's a summary of what I've prepared for " book reading club" over the last few years.