Lecture that has vanished
original text is read in Japanse here https://dohokids.blogspot.com/2021/04/blog-post_13.html
In March, I had an opportunity to give a 90 minutes lecture online to a group of Alexander technique teachers. It became a very satisfactory one at least for me and I asked the organizer if I could have a recorded audio file. But she said, "Oh sorry, I forgot to record." So it has become a vanished lecture.
I wanted talk about the theory of growth in Seitai, so I focused on childcare in Seitai, But I started talking about how I had become a Seitai student at the first place. I have prepared a list of topics as a memorandum. Some of the things I was trying to talk about, but I didn't actually talk about, were added afterward. I wonder if the title will be " Seitai as a prototype of learning.”
Jump into Quaker University 1973
A method of experiential learning in an experimental college
Putting yourself in a different cultures
Confusion and conflict and assimilation
Free school
what is experience?
How do we absorb experience?
Seitai as a prototype of learning
Introducing books by Haruchika Noguchi, the founder of Seitai
From the lecture memo of childcare course by Hiroyuki Noguchi
13 months after birth
When the belly grows
Belly as a digestive system
Hara as an assimilation of experience
1 to 3 years to 5 to 8 years to puberty
what we call Growth Disease
Grow what is growing now
How to think of "going through"
High temperature (fever) → low temperature (rest) → normal temperature
Things that hinder the progress
"The benefits of colds" as a book of education
What is physical fitness?
Unfounded self-confidence
I didn't have time to go to the training at the ongoing at Shintai Kyoiku Kenkyusho, but it was a fulfilling 120 minutes including a question and answer session. It was the harvest that made me feel "heard" more than I expected. It's a summary of what I've prepared for " book reading club" over the last few years.
今年初めにはじめた「かわら版」デジタル化プロジェクトも第3コーナーに入ってきた。保存状態の良い90年代から時代を遡るようにデジタル化してきて、それが一段落したので、こんどは最初期から現在に向かって作業を進めることにした。創刊号は1967年発行。なんと半世紀以上前になる。手元にある資料の八割がたのデジタル化が済んだことになる。手順については、基本「デジタルアーカイブの作り方」に沿って作業している。まず、iPhoneのカメラで一年分(100枚弱)を撮影。iPhoneの写真アプリで傾き、歪み調整、サイズの調整をしたうえで、写真をairdropでMacBook airに転送。MBAのプレビューアプリで、色合い、露出、シャドウ等6種類くらいをスライドバーで調整。一年分を一つのPDFで書き出すという作業をしていく。ここまで1000頁分くらい取り込んできたことになる。なんとか年内には完了したい。ただ、資料としてより完成度を上げるためには、1973〜1979年(56号〜104号)の欠落部分を手に入れる必要がある。もし、段ボールの奥に、この時期の「かわら版」を発見された方はご連絡いただきたい。
こんな風景をみたら、ひとり45分枠で個別稽古をしている白山稽古会のひとたちには怒られてしまいそうだ。でも、集団の稽古があって、また個人教授・個別稽古があるというのが、稽古場のスタンダード。白山稽古会の方が普通で、等持院の風景の方が例外なのです。逆に、 ここをホームグラウンドにしている人がが他所の稽古場を訪ねていったら、その厳しさに戸惑ってしまうかもしれない。それだけは警告しておきます。